5 mins read

10 Ways to Turn Fitness into a Family Affair

The following is a guest post by Brant Secunda and Mark Allen Does obesity run in the family? According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, if one parent is overweight, there is a 50 percent chance that their children will also be overweight. But when exercise becomes a family affair, everyone wins!

4 mins read

Five Best Practices for School Success

“You don’t have to make it perfect, but you can make it great.” – Alessio, my 5-year old son, advising his frustrated little sister on why her squiggly lines are okay in her first attempts at writing the alphabet

It’s back-to-school time again.  In families across America the homework showdowns have already begun.   Parents struggle with homework almost as much as kids do.  After a full day at school, it’s hard to get …

1 min read

#ModernMomMondays: Episode Two with Ashley Marriott

In this episode, Winnie Sun has a motivating conversation with fitness expert Ashley Marriott who shares actionable tips for creating an affordable home gym, making family fitness fun and prioritizing self care especially during challenging times. https://youtu.be/osKd8aMHkNI