2 mins read

Decorating Tips for a Small Bedroom

By carefully planning your decoration project for your small bedroom, you can make your space seem more expansive and inviting. When you are decorating your bedroom space, you can add eye-tricking elements to your decor that create the illusion of a larger space and make your slumber sanctuary more aesthetically pleasing.

3 mins read

How To Stage Your Brand From The Comfort Of Your Home

I thought our level of privacy had totally gone out the window pre-Corona virus, but now, our entire world is exposed as we try to "carry on with business as usual" from the comfort of our homes, in our pajamas. Our home is now where we spend ALL OF OUR TIME, where we conduct our…

6 mins read

My New Family Rules: Please Don’t End Up Dead Or In Jail!

Two distinctly different pieces of paper taped inside one of my kitchen closet doors recently caught my eye. It is amazing that I could see anything in that mess, actually. I long ago ceded that 10 by 6 foot cave to the coats-snow boots-dirty laundry maelstrom of life with three teenagers, four cats, and a 75 pound shaggy black dog.However, since the kids open these doors 20 times a day, the closet doors have …

3 mins read

Martha Stewart Decorating Ideas for Bedrooms

For years, Martha Stewart has been sharing her thoughts and ideas on how to live well and enjoy life’s memorable moments. She uses her television shows, magazines and books to demonstrate her interior design, crafts and cooking skills to inspire others. If you want to gain inspiration in designing the bedrooms in your home, choose any of Martha Stewart’s decorating ideas.

3 mins read

Decorating Ideas for a Party

Although streamers, noisemakers and party hats are a bit passe when it comes to parties, they have not completely gone the way of the dodo. When decorating for a party, look to the party’s purpose, the guest of honor or the season for inspiration. Decorations do not need to be over the top to make an impact. Simple touches are all that you need to make the celebration successful.