4 mins read

Why Is Yogurt Good for Women?

There are a number of practical reasons why yogurt should be included as a regular food source in a woman’s diet. Since calcium is needed for maintaining strong bones, women who do not meet the daily requirements for calcium are at greater risk for developing osteoporosis, which could eventually lead to bone fractures in the hip, spine or wrist. An 8-oz. cup of plain low-fat yogurt contains more calcium than an equal serving of milk, but you should choose a brand that is low in fat and calories and has few additives.

3 mins read

How To Shop For The Win During March Madness

The following article was sponsored by Mirum Shopper but all opinions are my own. I love my husband, but I must admit that I get a little jealous when March Madness® rolls around each year.  My husband forfeits our time together, which is okay, I mean he is spending time with my son doing what…

6 mins read

What Kind of Water Should be Used in Infant Formula?

How you prepare infant formula can affect your baby’s health. Powdered or liquid concentrate formulas cost less than ready-to-serve formulas, but they require that you add water when mixing. Formula in the powdered form is the least expensive, but you need to follow the instructions on the formula can to know much water to use. What the directions on the can do not tell you is what kind of water is safest for mixing your infant’s formula.

3 mins read

Best Homemade Skin-Care Products

Using homemade skin-care products saves money, and using products found in your kitchen means you know exactly what goes onto your skin – and of the many reasons to make your own homemade skin-care products, those two top the list. The best homemade skin-care products are simple to make, meet your basic skin-care needs, and contain fresh ingredients and products readily available in your home.

2 mins read

Preschooler Meal Plan

If you have a picky preschooler or a voracious toddler, you are probably wondering if he is getting everything he needs every day. Children ages 2 to 5 can be fickle eaters and busy players, with little interest in getting their required nutrients each day. If you want to make sure your preschooler is eating enough of the right things each day, put together a meal plan.