5 mins read

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s Pending Divorce: Money Tips Before You Split

The ongoing custody battle between celebrity couple Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner has taken an unexpected turn. Amid the legal proceedings, Joe and Sophie have reached a temporary agreement concerning their children’s living arrangements, preventing them from leaving the greater New York City area. This development comes shortly after Sophie Turner’s recent filing, where she expressed her intention to permanently relocate their children to the United Kingdom.

8 mins read

Three Ways to Get Present and Cherish the Moments

Do you ever know how someone really feels? It’s hard to tell, as we live in a time of so much noise and distraction. People are tuning in less to each other and paying more attention to the technology, social media, advertising messages, the news, and other external disturbances around them. Being able to recognize…

6 mins read

How to NOT Raise A Generation of A*@holes

I feel like being the mom of six makes me kind of like a professional parent. A professional is defined as; (of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime. That's pretty much me as a mom, other than the getting paid part. Unless of course,…

5 mins read

Slackers No More: Gen X Parents Raising Amazing Gen Z Kids

Word on the street is that Generation Z is the most significant generation in modern history. As their parents, of course we know our kids are special. But what makes researchers and marketers also say Gen Z is so unique and important? And how have we, their Gen X parents, helped shape them into such…