2 mins read

Baby K’Tan And Operation Shower Give Military Moms Baby Showers

Baby K’Tan has teamed up with Operation Shower to throw baby showers for expectant military moms, as a way to recognize and honor them for their sacrifices. During four upcoming events hosted by Operation Shower, each mom-to-be will receive a Baby Ktan Baby Carrier as well as gift boxes filled with baby supplies, clothing, toys, books, and more courtesy of Baby Ktan, LLC and other donors.

2 mins read

Creative & Fun Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

As you spend hours in the kitchen basting the turkey and mashing potatoes, keep the kids busy with some Thanksgiving-themed activities, that will give them special ownership of the day. Use the down time in between cooking, preparing and watching the parades and football to give your child some tangible gratitude opportunities.

2 mins read

How to Trace a Family History

As your children reach grade school, sooner or later they are going to come home with an assignment to write about their family tree. Instead of cringing and looking for the nearest closet to hide in, use this homework assignment as an opportunity to introduce them to the generations that are their heritage. By tracing your family history and learning the stories of your ancestry, you can make this an enjoyable project for both your children and yourself, and–in the process–keep alive the memory of those who came before you.

5 mins read

Help! My Husband is Deployed and I’m Struggling

Reader Military Wife writes, Today I am struggling. I am struggling with being a 19 year old military wife to an amazing soldier and husband and a mother of two beautiful children. Why am I struggling, you ask? Because my husband is gone. Not for too long, he will be back in a month or…