2 mins read

Birth Control Methods That Last a Year

Whether you’re in a stable relationship or not, it’s smart to use birth control methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Many different types of birth control are available for you to choose from, but if you want convenience, you should look for birth control methods that last a year or longer.

2 mins read

How to Make a Baby Smarter in the Womb

We all want our babies to be smart. While its true that brain development is largely genetic, there are things you can do, even before your baby is born, to improve your babys environment and enhance his intelligence and language skills. Things you’ll need: classical music, material to read, and a prenatal stimulation program.

9 mins read

Secrets for Easing Labor Pain

Studies have, for a long time, shown that deep breathing, mental imagery, deep massage or acupressure, and the presence of a constant companion or coach during labor can ease labor pains, making the miracle of birth more, well, enjoyable.

7 mins read

The Link Between Endometriosis And Infertility

My need for support and companionship during my struggle with infertility and endometriosis led me to join the online patient community and through my involvement in this community, I have met the strongest, most inspiring women.Some of them have since become my closest friends and confidants. A good many of them started struggling with infertility in their 20s. Years passed as they tried many treatments and suffered miscarriages. Some of them did receive …