3 mins read

Financial Help for Single Pregnant Women

A single pregnant woman can have a difficult time of it financially. Aside from housing expenses and money for food, you will have additional medical expenses for prenatal care. Pregnancy is a physically and emotionally stressful time for any woman. If you have the added worry of not being able to manage financially, it can be an even more stressful period in your life. Fortunately, there are free and low-cost programs available for pregnant women who are eligible to receive help.

5 mins read

How Much Do Surrogate Mothers Get Paid?

Agreeing to become a surrogate mother means giving up approximately 10 months of your life to become pregnant, go through gestation, labor and delivery, and then give the baby to others who will become his parents. It is a life-changing experience for which the surrogate is compensated. Fees vary for different agencies, but in general all expenses for the pregnancy are paid, as well as a fee to the surrogate mother. Becoming a Surrogate

5 mins read

Process of a Surrogate Pregnancy

The process of surrogate pregnancy is complicated. The application process is extensive, getting matched with potential parents can be stressful and carrying a baby to term only to turn it over to the new parents can be emotional. Specific laws vary from state to state, but the general process is the same regardless of your location. Understanding what is involved with surrogate pregnancy will allow you to make an informed decision regarding surrogate pregnancy in your life.

4 mins read

Surrogate Pregnancy Risks

Surrogate parenting is an agreement by a woman to carry a baby for another person or couple. The baby may be implanted and she serves as the incubator, or her egg may be used and she gives the baby up to the adoptive mother at birth. Surrogate parenting helps thousands of people become parents each year who otherwise would not be able to achieve their dream. However, risks are involved for both sides with such an intertwined agreement about a human life.

2 mins read

Financial Help for Adoption

High adoption costs create a challenge for many families who wish to adopt. The dollar amount associated with adoption seems high, but there are options for financial support during the adoption process. If finances are the only thing holding you back from pursuing adoption, consider the financial help available to determine if available programs would work for you.