2 mins read

Adrenal Fatigue in Kids

While certain symptoms your child experiences may provide clues for a simple and quick diagnosis, vague symptoms can be harder for you to identify. Although you may have heard about individuals having an illness called adrenal fatigue, MayoClinic.com advises that the term adrenal fatigue is not a true medical diagnosis. Instead, it is a term that some health books and alternative medicine practitioners use to describe a group of nonspecific symptoms.

2 mins read

How to Remove Brown Spots From Hands

The passing years, combined with normal wear and tear, can age your entire body, including your skin. Age spots appear as patches of brown skin on your hands, arms, face and other areas that receive regular exposure to sunlight. Although quite common, these spots can make your hands look old and dingy. Because these spots may resemble other skin conditions, ask your doctor to examine your spots and rule out any serious problems. After receiving a medical diagnosis, you can lighten your spots and minimize the possibility of future brown spots.

26 mins read

Terms of Use

Introduction This Web Site is provided to you under these “Terms of Use” and any amendments or supplements to them that may be posted by Momenta, LLC (“Modern Mom”) from time to time (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”). Your use of this Web Site shall be deemed to constitute your consent to be bound…

2 mins read

Depression in School Children

Childhood depression goes beyond sadness, which is a normal childhood emotion. Depression is a treatable condition faced by some children with persistent sadness that interrupts every day life. Parents may feel helpless, guilty, frustrated or confused when a child exhibits signs of depression. Understanding the basics of depression in school-age children helps parents proceed with diagnosis and treatment.

2 mins read

Puffy Eyes Due to Allergies

Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms including puffiness around your eyes. While puffy eyes are a common symptom of allergies, other conditions can also cause discomfort and irritation in and around your eyes. Determining the source of your discomfort can help you lessen or prevent allergic reactions in the future.