6 mins read

How to Baby-Proof Your Marriage

Relationships are hard. I have tried and failed at some myself along the way. Relationships + parenting: even harder. It’s time to discuss the one thing that no one told you to plan for; that one thing that was not on your registry. Baby proofing your marriage!

6 mins read

Interview 4 Inspiration- Dr. Corey Allan- Simple Marriage

Interview 4 Inspiration is a series. Here you will find a sequence of questions answered by inspirational people. People who have inspired me in one way or another, either through knowing them personally or through their work. I believe people are the best sources of inspiration; therefore it gives me great pleasure to share a little more about them with you in a series of questions.

2 mins read

Why Do Women Cheat in a Marriage?

According to a 2004 Gallup Poll, 91 percent of Americans believe that having an extra-marital affair is morally wrong, and 7 percent say it is morally acceptable. It’s difficult to say exactly how many women cheat in their marriage, but it is probably more than 7 percent. The Woman Savers website reports that 14 percent of women admit to having an affair. The amount of women who actually do is likely to be higher, but because society judges women harshly for having an affair, women can be secretive about it.

3 mins read

Marriage Problems & Pregnancy

If you have any problems in your marriage that you haven’t addressed before getting pregnant, you better work on them while you are pregnant, because the arrival of a new baby in the house can put a strain on the best of marriages. While you are pregnant, make the time to work on your marriage. Share all your dreams, hopes and fears you may have about parenting. Take advantage of this time, because once the baby arrives, having these quiet moments will be a thing of the past.

5 mins read

Leaving a Marriage

Leaving a marriage is a huge step and means admitting to yourself that the relationship just isn’t going to work. For many people, just the idea of leaving can be daunting, let alone the mechanics of it. Before you leave your marriage, it’s important to make sure you’ve evaluated the situation to be certain it’s what you need to do, come up with an exit plan and have some idea how you will break the news.