2 mins read

Gardening & Organic Pest Control

Growing beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables sometimes means battling against leaf-chomping pests and disfiguring diseases. Organic pest control involves a combination of smart planning and picking your battles in the garden. When you forgo all chemical pesticides, you may give up a few petals or a some peas in the pod, but the trade-off is a safe garden for your family and your pets.

4 mins read

Learn to Let Go of Control

Have you ever had the experience of wanting something to work out sooooo much? You come up with an action plan, make a wish, keep praying, and visualize. Youd even do a rain dance if you had to. Yet, all the signs from Spirit are telling you to let go and stop putting your goals ahead of your relationships and the world around you.

2 mins read

9 Tips on How to Maintain, Not Gain, Through the Holidays

The holidays are an especially difficult time to avoid extra calories and weight gain. We find the office full of delicious offerings on decorative holiday plates at every corner. And who can resist? Very few of us can! Thats why many of us gain several pounds during this time of year. Family functions, visiting relatives and holiday parties seem to take us away from exercise and conscientious food choices, and focus our attention on enjoying life, eating, drinking and good company. Not all bad certainly, but not all good either, if all that enjoyment comes at the price of extra pounds and an enlarging waistline. So what can you do to prevent the holiday bulge? Here are a few tips to help you avoid overindulging:

4 mins read

Can a Person Be Pregnant If She Missed Taking the Birth Control Pill But Still Got Her Period?

Forgetting to take a birth control pill can be the cause of extreme stress. You immediately begin wondering if you are pregnant and searching for signs that you are not. When you do get your period, you breathe a big sigh of relief–until someone tells you that you can still have a period and be pregnant. Knowing what the risk is of forgetting a pill and being pregnant even after getting a period can put your mind at ease.

3 mins read

Tips to Maintain a Toned Body During Pregnancy

Being pregnant does not give you license to stop working out or watching what you eat. In fact, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists highly recommends getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Maintaining a toned body through exercise and diet during pregnancy helps to keep it limber, ensures appropriate weight gain and prepares it for labor and delivery. Furthermore, staying fit can reduce general body aches and relieve stress.