8 mins read

5 Ways to Keep the Romance Alive for Parents

Do you remember the children’s rhyme when you were growing up, “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage”? For many people, this isn’t just a children’s rhyme, but a path their life followed. (This isn’t the case for all couples raising a child as there are many beautiful…

3 mins read

Keeping Your Marriage Alive When You Have A Hospitalized Preemie

Having a child in the is stressful, emotional, anxiety filled and just plain hard on any person!!!Now add being a Mom to another child at home, being married, working, running a household and grieving the loss of our son, my daughter’s twin. If this is not a recipe for a girl to loose it and a marriage to fall apart, I don’t know what is?!?!When I think back and ask myself …

6 mins read

Beloved Books to Share With Your Kids

Do you remember that wonderful feeling of snuggling up under the covers with your favorite book? Or acold winter night when your parents read you a story while a fire burned in the fireplace and snow fell softly outside. With books, these memories come alive again. And those old books and treasured memories can be shared with your own children, building a bond across the generations.

3 mins read

How To Keep The Romance Alive: Don’t Skip The Sexercise!

As time goes by, romance often turns into pure friendship, especially in long-term relationships. But you can keep the romance alive – it’s not as impossible as it may seem. Just remember that your relationship needs constant maintenance (yes, it does require work, just like your paycheck or your abs).