5 mins read

Help for Families of Drug Abusers

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that drug abuse is a leading public health problem in the United States, causing more than 40 million illnesses and injuries each year. Drug addiction affects everyone in society — the person abusing drugs, his family and friends, and the community in general. If someone close to you is using drugs, your family is likely dealing with a great deal of stress. Before you can help your family member to recover, you might need some help of your own along the way.

2 mins read

Foreign Adoption Vs. Local Adoption

Once you’ve made the decision to adopt a child, that’s one hurdle you’ve gone over. Now, you have another set to contend with, such as the choice between adopting a child from the United States or from abroad. Hollywood stars, such as Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Meg Ryan make international adoptions seem glamorous, but you need to consider many factors that suit you and your future family when you plan to adopt an infant. As of 2008, about half the adoptions in America were foreign.

3 mins read

Best Foundations from the Drugstore

Foundation is a girls best friend. It can hide all your blemishes and instantly polish up your look. Once youve got your foundation on, you feel confident and ready to take on the world. But some women are going at it all wrong, shelling out way too much cash. These hard economic times call for the recessionista in you to come out. You dont have to go to a special store in the mall and pay big bucks to make your face flawless. You can find great foundations at your local drugstore! Here are the top drugstore foundations that our Modernmom staffers have tested and approved:

1 min read

Types of Over-the-Counter Birth Control

If you have not made it to the doctor yet, or simply prefer to avoid the doctor, there are some contraceptive choices available over-the-counter (OTC) at your local drugstore, grocery store or discount store. OTC birth control is affordable, accessible and effective, if it is used correctly. Both barrier methods and chemical contraceptive options are easily purchased without a prescription.

4 mins read

Which Diet Pills Work Best?

Nonprescription diet pills certainly aren’t lacking when it comes to allure. Slick advertising techniques and impressive packaging are designed to have you believe that somewhere on the shelves of your local drug store a magic bullet exists for weight loss. The truth about most over-the-counter diet pills isn’t too impressive, medical experts at the Mayo Clinic say. Many diet pills don’t have the science behind them to back up marketing claims–and some may be downright dangerous.