4 mins read

How to Find Out If My Husband Is Doing Online Dating

In today’s technological world many marriages suffer from a new form of unfaithfulness, online dating. Your husband could be glued to his computer for hours under the pretense of working while unbeknownst to you he’s actually meeting and dating other women. Some men cheat virtually, while others meet women online and follow through with actual relationships. So, how do you find out if your husband is doing online dating? Using a little cleverness and the following steps should reveal the truth.

3 mins read

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning   My son’s senior year is taking place at home with online learning. His school is on a block schedule (Periods 1,3,5 on one day, Periods 2,4,6 on another day). The schedule was sent to every parent at the beginning of the school year, laying out exactly…

3 mins read

Back To School On A Budget

Back-To-School season is an expensive time for families. As a mom of six kids, I know this too well. It’s Inventory Time! Go Through Those Closets – purge the stuff you no longer need, but keep an eye out for those little gems that are hand-me-down worthy. They are invaluable – we rely on hand-me-downs from older…