4 mins read

Relief From Pelvic Pain: Questions To Ask Your Healthcare Provider

This is Part 2 in a three part series on finding relief from pelvic pain through physical therapy, yoga, and other complementary therapies. Click here to read Part 1, which discussed how to recognize pelvic pain, and what therapies are available.Question from Kate, a mother of two boys, ages 5 and 7: “I have pelvic pain due to a non-relaxing pelvic floor. I cannot even sit down without pain. I am already doing pelvic …

3 mins read

Teen Drug & Alcohol Treatment

Adolescent drug and alcohol use is a continuing issue in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that in recent years an average of 300 teenagers entered drug and alcohol treatment programs each day across the nation. From 2005 to 2010, one in 10 teens used prescription medications illegally. Teen drug and alcohol treatment is important to the future of teens who use.

5 mins read

Process of a Surrogate Pregnancy

The process of surrogate pregnancy is complicated. The application process is extensive, getting matched with potential parents can be stressful and carrying a baby to term only to turn it over to the new parents can be emotional. Specific laws vary from state to state, but the general process is the same regardless of your location. Understanding what is involved with surrogate pregnancy will allow you to make an informed decision regarding surrogate pregnancy in your life.

5 mins read

Pregnancy First-trimester Care

Finding out you’re pregnant can leave you feeling a roller-coaster of emotions: the highs of happiness and anticipation mixed with the lows of worry and anxiety. With all the changes quickly taking place inside your body, there’s a lot you need to do in order to ensure the best pregnancy possible for both you and your baby. Finding a care provider, attending your prenatal appointments and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will all help you segue into the next chapters of your pregnancy until you reach the final goal: a healthy baby.