26 mins read

Terms of Use

Introduction This Web Site is provided to you under these “Terms of Use” and any amendments or supplements to them that may be posted by Momenta, LLC (“Modern Mom”) from time to time (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”). Your use of this Web Site shall be deemed to constitute your consent to be bound…

3 mins read

Teen Drug & Alcohol Treatment

Adolescent drug and alcohol use is a continuing issue in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that in recent years an average of 300 teenagers entered drug and alcohol treatment programs each day across the nation. From 2005 to 2010, one in 10 teens used prescription medications illegally. Teen drug and alcohol treatment is important to the future of teens who use.

3 mins read

How to Find Surrogate Mothers

For women who cannot or do not want to carry and deliver their own children, surrogacy offers another option for having a baby. Many couples choose surrogacy because it can be faster than adoption and because surrogates can produce a biologically related child. Naturally, finding the right surrogate is just as an important decision as deciding to become parents. There are some important factors to consider before entering into a surrogacy agreement to make sure both parties clearly fulfill their obligations.

2 mins read

How to Have a Baby as a Single Woman

Deciding to have a baby as a single woman can be a joyous time in your life, while attracting negative feedback from your peers or loved ones. Every woman’s situation is different, and only you can decide what’s right for you and your future child. Before you become pregnant, weigh your options and proceed in a way that will ensure your baby will have everything she needs. Many children grow up in single-parent households and turn out just fine.