3 mins read

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning   My son’s senior year is taking place at home with online learning. His school is on a block schedule (Periods 1,3,5 on one day, Periods 2,4,6 on another day). The schedule was sent to every parent at the beginning of the school year, laying out exactly…

2 mins read

How to Help Dyslexic Children Learn to Spell

Many children struggle to learn how to spell words properly. Trouble with spelling can be compounded by dyslexia, a learning disorder that stems from the brain’s inability to process symbols such as letters properly, according to MedlinePlus. Dyslexic children need a different technique and method than other students to learn to recognize words and spell them properly. Patience is key when teaching a dyslexic child to spell, as it may take a few years to bring a child up to grade level, according to Bright Solutions for Dyslexia.

9 mins read

Earth Day Spotlight: Meet Carson With Charity Arrows

You know those amazing stories that instantly touch your heart and bring you joy? This is one of those. Charity Arrows, strives to empower and uplift children and community organizations through sustainable and innovative means. Their organization is dedicated to turning old, unsalvageable, or discarded arrows and repurposing them into meaningful treasures such as pens…

4 mins read

 The 6 Financial Habits Of Mentally Strong People for Year-End Planning 

As the seasons start to change and the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time for a financial check-up. Let’s reflect on how much we’ve accomplished this year and set the stage for financial success in the upcoming year with some year-end planning. If you haven’t scheduled a meeting with your advisors yet, now is the time to get your financial planning done. In fact, for our clients, this is one of the busiest and most important planning periods of the year.

Many of us set ambitious financial goals, but how often do we follow through with them? It’s time to take a page from the mentally strong and map out some to-dos to achieve our financial objectives as we head into the end of the year. Remember how important reaching financial independence is?

3 mins read

How to Study for the SAT Exam

The SAT standardized test, originally known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, provides percentile scores used by many college admissions committees in evaluating college applications. The test covers mainly reading, writing and Math reasoning skill sets. Today, several additional and separate SAT subject tests also enable young people to demonstrate advanced knowledge in specific fields, such…