5 mins read

I Am Just A Mom

I think it was when my oldest started school, that my old identity was replaced with a new one. I was no longer Errin, the girl who knew how to have fun, the funny one, the free spirit. I was now Ayden's Mom. Yep, just Ayden's Mom. Instead of being known for my adventurous side,…

7 mins read

How To Teach Kids About Money

It should be easy to teach our kids about money. We have it, they need it. The leverage is clearly on our side -- which is not always the case with parents and kids. But teaching children to respect money with out granting it too much power remains one of the more contentious, emotional, and…

4 mins read

Trapped Inside the “Mom Bubble”

I love being a writer, but one of the hardest things about my job is that I do it alone, in my house, all day long. If it were not for my children and their after-school activities, I am quite sure that weeks would go by in which I wouldnt actually speak to another living soul.

3 mins read

Child Custody Rights

Child custody rights vary based on state regulations and the family’s particular situation. Most courts determine child custody rights by taking several factors into consideration, including the child’s age, the child’s mental health, the child’s physical state, the parents’ mental and physical health, social factors, emotional bonds among various members of the family, the child’s location, the impact of custody changes on the child and–in cases where the child is around age 12–the child’s preference.