9 mins read

What to Pack for a Planned C-Section

Once upon a time, I was a Labor and Delivery Room (L&D) nurse at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. It was probably one of my most favorite places to work because I truly loved supporting moms (and dads or other significant family members) through their birth experience and felt that each baby born wa

6 mins read

Making Holidays Easier for Caregivers of Aging Adults

When you think of the holidays, what comes to mind? If youre anything like me, images of happy families dining, laughing and giving gifts immediately flood your brain and give you that warm and fuzzy feeling all over. In the midst of coordinating travel plans, cooking and decorating, however, it can be difficult to find the right balance between seasonal work and play especially if you find yourself in the role of the family caregiver.

4 mins read

Early Childhood Care: What You Need to Know

As parents, its our job to raise healthy, well-adjusted children so that they have bright and productive futures. However, most parents recognize the huge role that other caregivers and outside influences have on children. It truly takes a village to raise a child, and one of the most important citizens in that village is the early child care provider.

11 mins read

A Mother’s Day Tribute

Sunday is Mothers Day. This Mothers Day 2010, I am a Blogger for the first time, which means I can profess my love for my mom TO THE WORLD! Mama I love you. You have been my best friend for the past 35 years. In fact, I will show you now for the first time, in honor of Mothers Day, my tribute to you and dad in my upcoming book: