Search Results for: knee pillow
Pillow Talk: The Healthiest Sleep Position
What is the Best Position for Sleeping?
Bedtime Tips for Sleep-Deprived Mommies
Keeping our bodies strong, flexible and toned is key to great physical health, but not to be underestimated is the importance of quality sleep. We spend approximately a third of our life sleeping, during which our bodies repair, rejuvenate and reset mental and physical functionality.
The Yoga Cure for Busy Moms
Having the toughest job in the world sure can’t be easy. I don’t know how you busy moms do it and I’m going to be coming back around for all of your wisdom when hopefully I get a shot at brining little people into the planet too! How do you make it look easy?
The “Fifty Shades of Grey” Workout
Kristen James Fitness Presents: The 50 Shapes Workout I’ve been training and coaching clients and members of various gyms and studios for over 20 years.
Shared Custody: When “Me -Time” Also Brings The Loudest Silence
During the year I look forward to that small window of “me-time” when my daughter takes her annual summer vacation in Montreal, Canada with her Dad. Yet, this year, more than any other, I realized, she is my life and without her, I don’t have one.