1 min read

Towlhub USB Paper Towel Charger

If you’re like me, the kitchen is the center of your home. It’s the gathering spot, whether for meals, to do homework or just chat with a friend over a cup of coffee.So obviously it would be great to have a space to charge my phone and mobile devices where they are close in reach. But I just HATE taking up counter space and using my kitchen appliance outlets with tons of …

4 mins read

10 Tips for Organizing a Kitchen

Can’t ever find your pots and pans? Never a spatula at-hand when you need one most? Always frustrated at the can opener that always jams? Read on to make your hectic life just a little bit easier by organizing your kitchen!

3 mins read

Kitchen Decor Themes

Your kitchen should be a lively room, decorated with colors and a theme that makes you want to spend time there. The kitchen should complement the colors and style of nearby rooms, particularly if you can see the kitchen from another room. However, the kitchen is also a room that allows for more creativity and character than other rooms, such as a formal living room.

1 min read

How to Clean a Kitchen Stove

The splatters of dinner left on the stove look unattractive and can harm the porcelain finish. Cleaning your stove regularly keeps it in tiptop shape and might even extend its life. Gas and electric stoves are slightly different on the top, but the cleaning process is similar for both. A daily general cleaning along with periodic deep cleaning keeps away ants and other pests. The cleaning also prevents food from turning to porcelain-damaging acid, according to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension.

2 mins read

How to Clean a Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink

With time, your once shiny stainless steel sink can become dull, stained and scratched. Restore and preserve the beauty of your stainless steel kitchen sink with regular cleanings and periodic polishings. Remove food, grime, water spots, rust spots and minor scratches in just a few minutes using common household products that work so well you hardly need to use any elbow grease.