4 mins read

Should Cosmopolitan Magazine be Classified Pornography?

A recent article on Fox News describes how Victoria Hearst (an heir to the Hearst publishing empire) and former model Nicole Weider are working to get Cosmopolitan magazine (published by Hearst) declared pornography. They believe the magazine should be sequestered behind counters and sold only to adults – rather than displayed openly on grocery store shelves.

2 mins read

How to Protect Kids From Online Predators

Though the Internet can be a wonderful tool for learning and staying connected with others, it is also a place where online predators lurk, looking for their next victim. The anonymity of the Internet means that the 13-year-old “friend” that your teen is talking with may not really be 13 at all. It’s up to you to protect your children from online predators. With knowledge about what to avoid, you can keep your kids safe when they play online.

5 mins read

Modern Life and Healthy Parent-Child Relationships: 6 Things to Be Aware of

Life in 2024 is so much different than when we were children. The world has changed, and with it, the way we live and parent. While modern conveniences have made our lives easier in some ways, modern life comes with some drawbacks that can cause stress and strain for our children and our relationship with them. In order to maintain healthy parent-child relationships, here are 6 things to be aware of.

3 mins read

Why Sexting is Not Child Porn

It’s horrifying to parents: why would our children WANT others to see naked pictures of them? Why do we have to even TALK to our children about the many reasons that voluntarily taking, sending, or sharing nude pictures is not in any child’s best interest? But despite our horror over this digital and cultural divide…