3 mins read

How to Build Your Child’s Investment Portfolio

Although most parents are financially savvy enough to save for their retirement, saving for their children sometimes takes the back burner. With limited cash on hand and the feeling that the children will be young forever, most put off building a substantial investment portfolio for their child. But with government incentives and expert advice, there are some great options to help you save for your child. Follow these five steps to get on the right track.

2 mins read

How to Build a Stock Portfolio

Navigating the stock market is an intimidating journey these days. The big, supposedly safe stock options suddenly aren’t fool-proof. However, it’s still possible to build up a diversified, safe stock portfolio that will provide a good return on your long-term investment. Here’s how you get started.

5 mins read

6 Things You Should Never Say To Your Financial Advisor

Are you looking to get your financial house in order? Market volatility is real, and it’s projected to get worse before it gets better. Retirement planning, reviewing your investing strategy, and setting up an emergency fund can be a lot easier with a pro. In our Millennial Study, we found that the majority of those we…

3 mins read

How to Set Up a College Fund

One way to fund your child’s college education is to contribute to a 529 savings plan. While each state now operates at least one of these education savings plans, students can usually attend a college anywhere in the U.S. Although a 529 savings plan is designed similar to a 401(k) or IRA, the specific features and benefits vary among states. To get the most out of your investment and gain the maximum benefit these plans offer, it is important to understand how they work.