3 mins read

Menopause: 5 Things To Know

Menopause. The word alone can bring on emotions of fear, sadness, and anxiety. That is understandable when the list of symptoms is long and can include things like hot flushes up to 50 times a day; erratic and unpredictable vaginal bleeding; weight gain; loss of muscle mass; anxiety and depression; acne; brain fog; difficulty sleeping;…

6 mins read

5 Ways To Survive The Holidays Without Packing On The Pounds

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~ Anonymous The above quote probably doesn’t reflect the title in the right manner, yet it offers food for thought! People worldwide look forward to…

1 min read

Coffee Drinking May Affect Chances of Pregnancy

Do you drink a lot of coffee? Are you having a difficult time becoming pregnant? The two may be linked, according to research published last week in the British Journal of Pharmacology. Researchers at the University of Nevada examined the link in mice and concluded that caffeine stymies specialized cells in the muscular walls of the fallopian tubes, which transport eggs from a woman’s ovaries to her uterus.

3 mins read

Tips to Increase Chances of Pregnancy

You may be at a point in your life where you find yourself stopping new mothers on the sidewalk to take a peek at their small bundles of joy. Even though you might think you are mentally and financial ready to add to your family, your body may take its time becoming pregnant. Many women experience problems becoming pregnant, even though it may seem like everyone else around you is expecting a child. Knowing when your best chance of conception occurs during your menstrual cycle can help you increase your odds of becoming pregnant.

3 mins read

How to Eat Naturally to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

Although you may already consider yourself healthy and fit, pregnancy encourages many women to take a good look at their diet and food choices. Because your baby depends on you for all his needs, including his nutrition, you may want to make some changes to your diet. Eating healthy, natural foods can increase your physical condition while meeting your baby’s nutritional needs. Create a positive environment for your baby’s first nine months of life by choosing wholesome foods.