13 mins read

Sprinkles of Joy: A Delightful Baby Shower Celebration

Welcoming a new baby is a magical time, and what better way to celebrate this joyous occasion than with a beautiful baby shower? From the glittering decorations to the heartwarming moments shared among loved ones, a baby shower is a wonderful opportunity to sprinkle a bit of joy into the expectant mother’s life.

11 mins read

Are Children with Autism Singled Out?

Are Children with Autism Singled Out?   Why do I ask this question? Because of what happened at my son’s school just this past Friday. Why is this past Friday important? Because this past Friday was only a few short days after the latest awful school tragedy, this one in Parkland, Florida. In this version…

6 mins read

How These Moms Won Big Bucks for Losing Weight!

“I felt like people treated me differently when I was overweight; they didn’t take me as seriously or respect me,” says Jennie, describing her weight loss transformation. Now she says, “I feel alive. I have my confidence back!” A year ago, Jennie weighed almost 200 pounds — and she needed a change. “I totally hated…

2 mins read

Flu Symptoms vs. Pregnancy

Hearing that a case of the stomach flu is going around at the same time you are trying to conceive can be disconcerting. Some flu symptoms are similar to pregnancy symptoms. Deciding whether to call out sick at work or buy a baby name book will be easier if you know the differences in the symptoms between the two conditions.