5 mins read

Breathwork And How it Changed My Life

Do you feel stagnant in your life, or maybe stuck and ready to let go of the old and shift into the new? Are you as creative as you want to be, or do you hide because you are afraid to be seen? Do you feel deep down there's more for you? Are you listening…

6 mins read

Tips For Handling Hot Flashes

The origin of a hot flash or night sweat can tend to be confusing even for most doctors. They believe it is related to sex hormone fluctuations which is only part of story. My 33 years in the women’s health field allowed me to use my empirical evidence of observation to learn the real cause…

5 mins read

Sensory Difficulties in People with Autism

I found this list very helpful in understanding how a person can measure another personʼs sensory difficulties. It looks like good explanation of sensory processing issues for a layperson. What are sensory difficulties? Difficulties with loud noises, smells, being hugged, walking on certain surfaces, and having certain foods in your mouth are some examples. People…

4 mins read

Staying Out of Our Kids’ College Applications

I swore I would not be the kind of mom who micro-managed my kids’ college applications. No helicoptering for me. No sirree, I was too wise and evolved for that kind of shallow “my kids define me” mentality.

My grandparents and my parents went to college. I went to college. My kids work hard and play hard at good schools; all predictors were excellent that my children would go to college too.

That was the …