9 mins read

How to Nip Sibling Battles in the Bud

The following guest post is from Dr. Laura Nathanson Siblings are supposed to fight. Aren't they? Isn't that why Nature gave us backseats in cars? That's how it seems in the media. It's a running joke. In real life, many parents really want their children to get along together, but are quick to add that…

2 mins read

What Age Should My Baby Potty Train?

Potty training, like feeding choices and picking a school, is one of the challenges of parenting. Deciding when to potty train and whether your little one is ready are the keys to success. Several factors can play into your decision and help determine whether saying bye-bye to diapers is a fun and easy process or one that will have both of you in tears.

4 mins read

Mom Spends $100K In Surgeries To Look Like Jessica Rabbit

We all have our ideals of beauty... those role models we wish we looked like... Some of us are content to sigh while accepting what we are. This one mother decided she wasn't about to accept anything. She wanted to look like Jessica Rabbit (from the cartoon "Roger Rabbit") no matter the cost. Bee Cameron…