8 mins read

An Open Letter To Donald Sterling From A Multiracial Mom

Mr. Sterling,I have four children that are all sports fans. My oldest daughter is a Los Angeles Lakers fan. My other three are Los Angeles Clippers fans. We are a house divided by the sports teams we love and follow.But this week, we were united in sadness. While watching television, the kids and I heard the racially charged audiotapes that your multiracial girlfriend, V.Stiviano, made of you rambling on about black people …

5 mins read

The Worst Gifts You’ve Ever Received

They say it’s really the thought that counts, and that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth… but what if that horse has really bad teeth? We’ve all been there – smiling through gritted teeth as we profess great thanks for a truly terrible present. Madonna famously had a meltdown when she was given hydrangeas (everyone knows she prefers roses!). The Trojans got a giant wooden horse that led to the destruction of their city. That was definitely a bummer.

19 mins read

How to Handle Hormone Hell During Pregnancy

So many mothers-to-be have told me just how unprepared they were for the emotional side of pregnancy. The physical effects were obvious enough, but apparently not everyone knew that the crazy hormone cocktail the pregnant body is continually swilling can momentarily propel even the most relaxed, jovial mommy-to-be into …

6 mins read

No Child Left Alone?

When I was growing up in Washington, DC in the 1970s, I spent most of the hot, humid summers exploring my neighborhood, kicking around my elementary school playground, and walking neighbors dogs at the local park across the street from my house. Except for quick meals, I was rarely home between 9am and full dark. Wherever I happened to spend my days, my mom was not there with me. She had four kids and a …