2 mins read

Fun Healthy Foods for Kids

You want your kids to eat healthy foods, but sometimes it seems that good old fruits and vegetables cannot compete against brightly colored, overly sweet candy and other treats. Teach your children to eat healthy foods by turning simple vegetables into fun-looking treats or by preparing homemade, healthier versions of their favorite dishes.

2 mins read

Healthy Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

The food you put into your body during pregnancy not only affects you. It also affects your baby’s growth and development. Choosing a variety of healthy foods keeps you and your baby as healthy as possible during the pregnancy. Some women experience food cravings or aversions, but if you keep a variety of foods on hand you can find a balance of nutrition.

2 mins read

Healthy Foods to Eat for Teens

Many of the foods that teens turn to when their stomachs start to rumble aren’t the healthiest. Instead of allowing your teen to tend to his hunger with junk foods, encourage him to fill his stomach with healthier options. By doing so, you can likely decrease his risks of becoming one of the many teens who struggles with weight and help him build healthy eating habits that will guide him throughout his life.

3 mins read

A List for Healthy Foods for Breastfeeding Moms

Breastfeeding is a unique way to bond with your baby while giving the best nutrition possible. To maintain an adequate milk supply and help your baby grow, you should eat a variety of foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fish are healthy foods that include most vitamins and minerals essential for your baby’s growth and development. Eating healthy while breastfeeding also increases your energy level and boosts your immune system.

2 mins read

Healthy Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Many weight-conscious mamas dream about the day when a magic pill is invented that cures all their food-related woes. While there is no such antidote to over-eating, and it doesn’t appear as if one is on the horizon, there are an array of foods that could be helpful in boosting metabolism. Sprinkle these healthful foods into your diet as a way to ramp up the rate of your food burning and increase the effectiveness of your weight-loss efforts.