6 mins read

Heal Yourself to Heal Your Kids

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”, has been a rousing mantra since Ghandi first shared those words with the world. Powerful words, but not always easy to practice. Too often we are the opposite of what we desire to be. Despite our best intentions, we find ourselves being reactive, fearful…

4 mins read

Healthy Pizza Recipe For Picky “Just The Crust” Kids

The other day my kids were out with a friend whose family took them to pizza for dinner. One of my daughters is picky, and its not always easy to get her to eat food with a lot of nutritional value – shed be happy to eat crackers or candy all day!The other mom reported back to me excitedly that my daughter had eaten a ton – lots of the dough of the pizza …

3 mins read

Shore Up Your Families’ Health For Fall Travel

This post is in partnership with Goodgut. Fall is an absolutely ideal time for families to enjoy seasonal travel.  The American Automobile Association (AAA) indicates that Americans will be hitting the highways, and airways, in droves this autumn.  In many states, the changing scenery is spectacular —and often the weather isn’t too hot…or too cold. …

2 mins read

10 Healthy Snacks You Can Feel Good About Giving Your Kids

We all want our little ones to be healthy, but sometimes it’s hard to convince them to gobble up the stuff that’s good for them. In an ideal world, every refrigerator would be magically full of freshly washed and chopped organic fruits and veggies and our kids would never roll their eyes and ask for chips or crackers instead. So what’s a mom to do? We’ve put together a list of snacks you can keep on hand that are crunchy, tasty, salty or sweet… but made from wholesome, healthy ingredients instead of processed junk! Love! Way Better Snacks