5 mins read

Can You Believe It? Health Hype Vs. Medical Science

I went to medical school a long time ago. In another millennium, on another coast, in a galaxy far, far away. I’ve forgotten a lot of what I learned, back in the dark ages before Twitter, and even Facebook. But the information I’ve learned since then has more than made up for what I’ve lost.…

3 mins read

It Was A F*cking Tough Transition Going From One to Two Kids

Obviously showing at 8 months pregnant with baby #2 pushing a grocery cart while strategically shoving cheerios into the palm of, and in between screams of, baby #2 always attracts the attention of ‘those’ mothers and their unsolicited advice.  Most say, ‘the more you have the easier it will be.’ Sometimes I was asked, ‘are…

5 mins read

Breathwork And How it Changed My Life

Do you feel stagnant in your life, or maybe stuck and ready to let go of the old and shift into the new? Are you as creative as you want to be, or do you hide because you are afraid to be seen? Do you feel deep down there's more for you? Are you listening…

2 mins read

Dizziness & Nausea in an Ear Infection

Inner ear infections differ from middle ear infections. Middle ear infections are the ones children typically get that affect the eardrum. When you get an ear infection that inflames the inner ear, you can become dizzy and nauseous. Other difficulties connected with inner ear infections are vertigo, balance problems, vision problems and hearing problems.

3 mins read

Vertigo With Pregnancy

When you first found out you were pregnant, you experienced a whirlwind of emotion, announcements and excitement, so you may have pushed the occasional dizzy spell out of your mind. Repeated vertigo issues, however, can cause alarm. Vertigo during pregnancy is not uncommon and is usually harmless, but in some instances, it can require medical attention.