2 mins read

Baby Hair Growth

There’s an old saying that if a pregnant woman has heartburn, her baby will be born with a full head of hair. Interestingly enough, there is a correlation between heartburn and hair on a baby, according to the New York Times. Still, a baby born with hair might not keep that hair. In fact, it is hard to predict just when your baby’s hair will grow, how fast it will grow or how much she will have.

3 mins read

Growth Spurts and Sleeping in Babies

One thing that babies do well is grow. During their first year of life, they grow more quickly than they will for the rest of their lives, according to Dr. Gregory Plemmons in “Parents” magazine. Many babies triple their birth weight by their first birthday. During that first year, your baby will have several growth spurts, which, while great for him, will most likely disrupt any feeding and sleeping patterns you’ve established.

3 mins read

Hormone-Free Or Mystery Meat – How Do You Make Meat Choices?

Times are hard. The media slams us weekly with more and more information regarding how the food we consume can harm us. This week: Cantaloupe. With more and more Americans out of work, less of the family budget can be allocated to farm fresh meats and produce. The way our grandparents ate is no longer an option for most of us.

3 mins read

Hair Growth Treatments for Women

Women make up 40 percent of hair loss sufferers, according to the American Hair Loss Association. Androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness, doesn’t affect only men — it can affect women as well, resulting in a diffuse pattern of hair loss. Women have far fewer options than men when it comes to hair growth treatments that are proven to work. Because hair loss can be triggered by other causes, such as stress, an underlying medical condition, or use of certain medications, the hair growth treatments on the consumer market may not work for you.

5 mins read

Hormone Changes in Women

The process of growing from infancy to girlhood, young adulthood and old age is significantly impacted by both the presence and absence of natural hormones. A woman’s hormones tell her body when to enter puberty, when to prepare for and feed a baby and when the child-bearing years should cease. Hormones regulate her monthly periods and influence her moods, sex drive and complexion. They are also linked to significant diseases such as breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease.