3 mins read

Toddler Hair Growth

Some babies are born with luscious locks, while others are born without much hair, if any. Many mothers of bald babies long for the day when they can pick up a brush rather than plunk a hat on their baby’s head. They may have to wait quite a while — some babies remain relatively thin on top until well into their toddler months.

5 mins read

How to Set Healthy Screen Time Limits for Your Kids

Parents primary technology concern used to be with the amount of time children spent in front of the TV, but now smartphones and portable devices make the amount of time your child spends in front of technology virtually limitless. Even though these devices can be very stimulating and engaging for your child, they may cause…

3 mins read

How Much Milk Should a Healthy Baby Have?

For the first year of life, breast milk or formula provides the bulk of your baby’s nutrition, even after he begins eating solid foods. As a mother, you may worry whether your baby is drinking enough — or too much. Your baby’s appetite may vary from day to day and may be completely different from another baby’s appetite — all of this is normal.

2 mins read

Healthy Vegetarian Pregnancy Recipes

Your vegetarian convictions or preferences don’t have to limit your diet, even in pregnancy. While proteins are crucial for a healthy mom and baby, they come naturally in a number of vegetarian options. Consult with your doctor and your local produce department for healthful, delicious options, in pregnancy and beyond.