5 mins read

Chore Boot Camp

When my daughter was born ten years ago, we hired a live-in nanny. It was a perfect arrangement at the time; I needed help with the baby and the housework, and having someone there all the time gave me the freedom to work from home, or run out to the market while my daughter napped, or have a date night with my husband.

4 mins read

Graduation Week

Today I’m drowning, trying to manage the end of the year chaos. The last day of school can’t come soon enough, it s been a hectic year with four kids and four schools to juggle. Between 15 candles, gift cards and handwritten notes to all the people who have influenced my children this year, it’s been a bit overwhelming to say the least.

1 min read

Dipping Bowl Set

Thanksgiving may have passed, but that doesn’t mean your hosting days are over! With birthdays, graduations and other occasions that come up during the year, it is a good idea to be prepared for any celebration that comes your way.