5 mins read

Autism and the 2020 Election

Autism and the 2020 Election For me, it’s hard NOT to think about the upcoming election… it’s today! However, this is a blog about autism. So, can I connect the two? Let’s try. How am I feeling about the election? Very nervous. I have disliked the current administration and I want them voted out. I…

7 mins read

Autism and the Future of Education in the United States

Rant alert. Last week, the new government confirmed, by a historic tie-breaking vice presidential vote, the nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. Educators, teachers unions, parents, and especially the special needs community were fearful of this woman’s confirmation. Now, it has happened. In my opinion, this is yet another low for a new…

7 mins read

The New Normal: Life After Hurricane Sandy

Before I begin on my rant about this b*tch Sandy and what she has done to Long Island and the Tri-State area – let me make myself clear that I know that I’m one of the lucky ones. I only lost power for few days. I HAVE my home. I HAVE my children. I HAVE my life. I AM THANKFUL.

2 mins read

Won’t Back Down

Are schools in America getting the job done? All the reports of bullying, poor teachers and how the government is ruining the school systems by linking performance to funding are enough to worry any parent.

5 mins read

Working Moms: Set Up To Fail

Most of us have a short (or long) list of innocent comments that make us see red. The one that infuriates me most: when people criticize working moms for wanting to have it all. As if we are gluttonous, whiny, selfish amoebas intent upon devouring the universe.