3 mins read

Hormone-Free Or Mystery Meat – How Do You Make Meat Choices?

Times are hard. The media slams us weekly with more and more information regarding how the food we consume can harm us. This week: Cantaloupe. With more and more Americans out of work, less of the family budget can be allocated to farm fresh meats and produce. The way our grandparents ate is no longer an option for most of us.

3 mins read

The Best Exercises to Help Lose Weight Fast

Weight loss is largely based on a calories in/calories out formula, where the more calories you burn, the faster you’ll lose weight, according to the Mayo Clinic. While that may be a rather simplistic explanation and the truth involves a bit more–such as your body composition and genetics–the best way to lose weight fast is to focus on exercises that burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. Sure, you can lose weight by walking or doing other simple exercises, but with high intensity exercises, you can choose to work out for shorter periods or burn more calories working out in the same amount of time.