5 mins read

Boy or Girl? Pregnancy Myths and Facts on Which Gender You’re Carrying

Congratulations ? you?re pregnant! So, are you having a boy or a girl? Everywhere you go, you?ll certainly be asked this question. Whether you decide to find out your baby?s gender as early as possible (hey, you may want to get a head start on choosing the right color paint for the nursery), or you decide to let your baby?s gender be a delivery day surprise, there are some facts and myths that can make the guessing game fun until you find out for sure.

6 mins read

Explaining Bruce Jenner and Transgender To Kids

Before last Friday night, only 8% of Americans knew someone who was transgender – whose gender identity does not match the sex he or she was born with. Today, an additional 16.8 million people who watched Diane Sawyer’s groundbreaking ABC interview with Olympian Bruce Jenner know someone who is transgender: Jenner himself. Jenner spent nearly two…