2 mins read

Spring Garden Tips

Spring is in full swing, so here are some of my tried and true spring gardening tips to help get a jumpstart on your warm weather vegetables and herbs: Keep a garden diary.

2 mins read

How to Build Your Own Herb Garden

Fresh herbs spice up your pizza, pasta and nearly any other meal you cook. Herbs at the supermarket are often expensive and there’s no guarantee of the freshness. An herb garden, either indoors or out, provides you with fresh herbs all summer long. If you choose an indoor herb garden, the fresh flavor and scent is available year-round. Start with a few herbs to get a feel for the process before expanding to other types.

2 mins read

How to Make Your Own Organic Soil

Organic soil lacks the chemical additions that bagged topsoil contains. You can make your own organic soil from compost that you create in your own backyard. Your home manufacture of all-natural, living, organic soil can begin at any time during the year.

3 mins read

Basics of Vegetable Gardening

Fresh vegetables straight from your garden taste better than store-purchased produce and they retain more nutrients going straight from the vine to your plate. A backyard vegetable garden also benefits your food budget because you won’t need to purchase as much from the supermarket. The garden makes an entertaining and educational family activity from spring through fall.

1 min read

How to Make an Herb Garden

You can grow an herb garden, even if you only have a tiny windowsill or small back porch. Herbs do not need a lot of space to grow. Many will thrive in 6-inch-deep pots, provided they have plenty of sunlight, good soil and not too much water. The quickest way to start an herb garden is to grow four or five herbs in a single, long window box. Place the window box on a sill, or set it on the ground outside.