8 mins read

#SportBits… Contribute To The Conversation

Greetings #ModernMom readers! What’s more modern than a woman who knows her sports? It’s fun to be able to contribute to the sports conversation. Whether it’s at the dinner table, the boardroom, or an on-line chat. Here are some news and highlights to help keep you in the know this weekend. 4Stories …4Bits Unless you’ve…

4 mins read

Will Google allow Porn Apps on Google Glass?

If you haven’t heard, Google Glass is a wearable computer with a glasses-mounted display. Glass displays information in a smartphone-type, hands-free format allowing users to interact with the Internet using natural language commands. Glass will run on Android 4.0.4 and higher. It can send and receive data, so apps can be interactive.

4 mins read

Fun Ideas for Family Game Night

This week, instead of just watching TV or mindlessly browsing on your laptop, why not try something new that the whole family can do together? Board games are great way to get everyone involved. Even moody teenagers will eventually have a good time once they get into the game! In my family, we used to have poker nights and gamble vast quantities of pennies. The winner would walk away with pride and about $5. But if gambling isn’t in the cards for your family, here are a few super-fun games to try out:

4 mins read

Games for Family Game Night

In this fast-paced world, time for family togetherness is often hard to come by. Juggling your kiddos’ hobbies and activities and your own work schedules can make it feel as if there is just no time left to do anything together. Combat the busyness and make time by planning a regular family game night. Game nights help coax your family to the dinner table and entice them to put their busy lives on pause and join together in a competitive bonding activity.