2 mins read

Table Place Setting Etiquette

Table place setting etiquette may vary depending upon the occasion and the meal, but there are some fundamental rules to follow. One of the key concepts in place setting is to consider space. Space out the settings equally and make sure that there is room for diners to eat without bumping elbows. If you have low-backed or armless chairs, the settings can be placed somewhat closer. Once you have a spacial scheme, you can move onto the other elements of table place setting etiquette.

19 mins read

Protecting Kids From Sexual Abuse

As mothers, we often teach our young children about Stranger Danger and how to deal with the creepy man down the street. We instruct them on how to react to the man in the car who offers them candy or what to say to the person on the other end of the phone asking if their mommy or daddy is home.

6 mins read

Why Your Daughter Needs A Self-Defense Class

I have two teenaged daughters. I’ve worked in domestic violence advocacy for ten years. I am a woman myself. Yet I’ve never taken a self-defense class. Until last weekend, when I spent two hours with 10 fifteen year old girls and a female instructor who had a black belt in karate and years of self-defense…