3 mins read

Signs of Allergies to Infant Formula

If you introduce infant formula to your baby, you’ll probably want to be on the alert for signs of an allergy, especially if allergies run in your–or the baby’s father’s–family. Most infant formula includes cow’s milk or soy products in the ingredients. In cases of infant formula allergies, cow’s milk protein is the most common allergen. Still, allergies to formula are not all that common; according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, less than 3% of babies in the United States have an allergy to milk protein. Since half of the babies who are sensitive to cow’s milk protein also turn out to react badly to soy, soy-based formula is not necessarily the solution if your baby does turn out to have a dairy allergy. Check with your baby’s physician before switching to a hypoallegenic formula. It may reassure you to know that there’s good chance your baby will outgrow an allergy to infant formula within a few years.

3 mins read

How Many Ounces of Formula Should Infants Drink?

There are so many things to be concerned with when you bring your baby home from the hospital. One of a parent’s biggest worries tends to be wondering how much baby needs to eat. Understanding what to expect and how a baby’s needs change can help moms and dads to enjoy feeding time, rather than fear it.

3 mins read

Infant Formula Allergies

The best way to avoid infant formula allergies is to breastfeed your baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association and the American Dietetic Association all agree that breast milk is the best food for your baby. If you cannot or choose not to breastfeed, however, formula is better to use than cow’s milk because it contains the nutrients that most infants need. A baby is more likely to be allergic to formula than to breast milk. Know what to look for and what to do if your baby is allergic.

4 mins read

5 Secret Formulas to Parenting Success.

The following post was written in partnership with Store Brand Formula. When I found out I was having a child I could not see past the pregnancy and first few weeks of having a newborn. I worried about my baby’s health, her nutrition and her sleep. Would I breastfeed or give her formula? Would I…

7 mins read

Why Switch To Store Brand Formula?

The following article was written by Missy Hornick and in partnership with Store Brand Formula. Becoming a mom, whether it's for the first time or not, and so many things race through our minds. We want nothing more than to give birth to healthy babies who will grow up to be amazing little people who…