5 mins read

10 Ways to Turn Fitness into a Family Affair

The following is a guest post by Brant Secunda and Mark Allen Does obesity run in the family? According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, if one parent is overweight, there is a 50 percent chance that their children will also be overweight. But when exercise becomes a family affair, everyone wins!

3 mins read

Fitness During Pregnancy

While some women elect to make their pregnancy a time of rest and relaxation, others commit to be fit throughout the nine months. By working to maintain or build your fitness level during your pregnancy, you may be able to make the process of bringing your new little one into the world a bit easier and allow yourself to more rapidly shed the pounds you pack on while carrying your soon-to-arrive infant.

3 mins read

Fitness and Fun with Kids

The following is a guest post by James. So, you have decided to get your kids off the couch and away from the TV, right? Well, thats the best idea to tackle obesity at such a young age! But before you start to make them active, theres one thing to remember and act accordingly- motivation! Kids learn quicker by watching, and this is exactly your secret to make them live a healthy and fit lifestyle.

2 mins read

Family Fitness Tips

Family fitness helps the family bond while you promote a healthy lifestyle with your kids. The benefits of staying physically fit include reduced risk for disease, a more positive outlook on life, better sleeping and weight control. You don’t need to drag the family to the gym or make the kids do hundreds of jumping jacks to stay fit. Entertaining and physically active family time works just as well to increase fitness.