7 mins read

Why You Should Absolutely Avoid the “Bank Glitch” Trend: Protect Your Financial Future

As a mom of three and a financial advisor, I’ve seen firsthand how essential it is to teach kids about budgeting, saving, and financial responsibility. Equally important is educating them on what not to do, and here’s a prime example: a dangerous trend is circulating on social media, encouraging people to exploit a supposed “bank glitch” to withdraw free cash from ATMs. While this may seem harmless in viral videos, it is actually bank fraud and can lead to serious legal trouble for you or your kids.

4 mins read

 The 6 Financial Habits Of Mentally Strong People for Year-End Planning 

As the seasons start to change and the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time for a financial check-up. Let’s reflect on how much we’ve accomplished this year and set the stage for financial success in the upcoming year with some year-end planning. If you haven’t scheduled a meeting with your advisors yet, now is the time to get your financial planning done. In fact, for our clients, this is one of the busiest and most important planning periods of the year.

Many of us set ambitious financial goals, but how often do we follow through with them? It’s time to take a page from the mentally strong and map out some to-dos to achieve our financial objectives as we head into the end of the year. Remember how important reaching financial independence is?

4 mins read

3 Financial Moves to Make Before You Buy a Home

Home sales in the U.S. are skyrocketing as interest rates remain at historically low levels. In fact, Zillow expects nearly 7 million existing-home sales this year—the most since 2005. With so many prospective homebuyers on the market, you too may be wondering if it’s time to take the plunge into homeownership. Before you begin hunting…

4 mins read

3 Financial Steps to Take Before Year-End

A new year is quickly approaching and that means a fresh start. Among the most common new year resolutions, money goals often take the lead. In fact, the 2020 New Year Financial Resolutions Study by Fidelity Investments found that 67% of respondents made a financial resolution including saving more, paying down debt and spending less.…

5 mins read

6 Things You Should Never Say To Your Financial Advisor

Are you looking to get your financial house in order? Market volatility is real, and it’s projected to get worse before it gets better. Retirement planning, reviewing your investing strategy, and setting up an emergency fund can be a lot easier with a pro. In our Millennial Study, we found that the majority of those we…