6 mins read

5 Ways To Survive The Holidays Without Packing On The Pounds

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~ Anonymous The above quote probably doesn’t reflect the title in the right manner, yet it offers food for thought! People worldwide look forward to…

8 mins read

Tormented Tummy? 10 Best & Worst Foods for a Long-Term Fix

Getting a stomach ache is the WORST! The pain, or sometimes the feeling that you’re going to ralph at any second, is just another thing that moms have to deal with every once in a while in addition to the gazillion other tasks they must complete in a day. There’s no way to prevent those fluke tummy tumults–food poisoning, for example–that hit unexpectedly. There are, however, some general guidelines you can follow in order to stay as far away as possible from the other stuff–indigestion, constipation, gas, diarrhea, etc.

2 mins read

How to Calculate Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Carrying a bundle of joy also means carrying extra weight to help support your pregnancy. WebMD, an online resource for health and wellness, notes that a woman of an average weight before pregnancy should gain between 25 to 35 lbs. during the course of her pregnancy, while weight gain varies for women who are underweight or overweight. It’s important to monitor your weight gain during pregnancy to ensure that your average weight follows what your doctor outlines during your initial visits.