6 mins read

Six Reasons to Have Six Kids

When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure, there are some days when I wonder what Ive gotten myself into, worry about the world theyll inherit, and/or consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of the time I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids. Here are a few reasons why:

3 mins read

20 Lies I Tell My Children

The saying goes “honesty is the best policy.” That is what my parents taught me and that’s what I teach my children. Throughout their lives, I have encouraged them to always tell the truth. I really do believe this is the best policy, but here’s the thing…Moms and Dads lie sometimes. I know it is hypocritical.…

3 mins read

The Name Game: Can Your Name Affect Your Personality?

It’s a universal truth – there is no sweeter sound in all of creation than one’s own name. Unless of course, it isn’t. Tom, Dick or Harry; Peter, Paul or Mary; your name is your identity. It distinguishes you from some people and binds you to others. To you, you are unique. But did you know that your name and your personality might be related?

8 mins read

Debunking Some Myths About Labor and Delivery

In honor of Labor Day, I thought I would take this opportunity to write about something I have lots of experience with – labor. Im not talking about the labor of keeping up with the laundry that comes with having so many children, or the labor of trying to meet deadlines at work by writing an award-winning story, or the labor I have recently realized it takes to start dating online.