3 mins read

Breastfeeding Weight Loss Diet

Whether you’ve gained 10, 20 or 30+ pounds during pregnancy, after you have delivered the baby you might think that you will never be able to take off the weight you put on. The good news is that nature has a surprise for you. Breastfeeding can actually help you lose the baby pounds you packed on during the last nine months easily and effectively. Follow the breastfeeding weight loss diet now, and not only will you experience the emotional and physical benefits of breastfeeding, but you will also lose those extra pounds in a healthy, easy and fun way.

5 mins read

I Don’t Want to be Mothered, I Need a Coach

How to Identify When Teens Want Coaching, Not Parental Advice I am a mother of two incredible children, a daughter and a son. I nurtured them, loved them deeply, and did everything I could to protect them from danger. But being a parent means more than just mothering. I learned this while attending grad school…

8 mins read

Three Ways to Get Present and Cherish the Moments

Do you ever know how someone really feels? It’s hard to tell, as we live in a time of so much noise and distraction. People are tuning in less to each other and paying more attention to the technology, social media, advertising messages, the news, and other external disturbances around them. Being able to recognize…