4 mins read

Don’t Fall Into the Kid’s Menu Trap!

In our busy world, eating out has become a favorite pastime and our kids health is suffering as a result. Restaurants are tricky, making it challenging for you to present your kids with healthy options because on the kids’ menu – there usually arent any! When dining out with little ones, parents are usually offered a separate Kid’s Menu. This is why most kids grow up believing they are supposed to be eating different food from adults. The brainwashing begins at a very early age.

5 mins read

I’m a Mom Who Hates to Shop, Raising Teenage Girls Who LOVE It!

Shopping, for some people, is a favorite pastime sport, a form of entertainment. I hate shopping. To put it into perspective just how much I hate shopping, let me say this: I would rather have a colonoscopy than go to the mall. Are you beginning to understand how much I dislike it? My ex-husband always said that I was a dream wife in the sense that I never went shopping without a purpose.

7 mins read

A Mom’s Version of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”

Baseball is Americas favorite pastime. Some of my earliest memories are of being at the ball field where my dad coached Little League. For years I played softball and was pretty good, even hitting a homerun with a cast on my broken foot. After I graduated from college I moved to Boston, where if the Red Sox were playing in town, you could find me at Fenway Park. If the Yankees were mentioned, it caused a small riot in the box seats. I love the smell of the grass. The sound of the peanut vendor.

3 mins read

Classic Family Board Games

Playing a game together is always an excellent way to promote family time. Board games remain a favorite pastime for children of all ages. While a trip to the store may leave you confused by the sheer number of board game choices on the market today, some classic board games remain as popular today as they were in the decade that produced them. These standards will not only enable you to spend a rainy afternoon playing with your children, but they will also delight the grandparents when theyre visiting and want to have play time with the kids.