4 mins read

Dress Cool For Back To School

I feel like summer just started yet suddenly those alarm clocks are going off early, lunches need to be packed and homework will be a daily chore. YIKESits BACK TO SCHOOL and with that comes Back to School Clothing. While you may have already hit the stores, there is …

6 mins read

Simple Steps to Becoming A Mompreneur!

The Sugar Mommas sat down with Carl Smith, Specialty Food/Grocery Buyer, from Southern Californias premier gourmet market, Bristol Farms. Carl has been with Bristol Farms for twenty years. During his tenure he has seen thousands of products and he determines which ones should be sold on the shelves of this leading market. You could say Carl is a leading food trendsetter. Carl has one of the most discerning eyes on the west coast.

6 mins read

Are YOU the next Mrs. Field’s?

I sat down with Carl Smith, Specialty Food/Grocery Buyer, from Southern Californias premier gourmet market, Bristol Farms. Carl has been with Bristol Farms for twenty years. During his tenure he has seen thousands of products and he determines which ones should be sold on the shelves of this leading market. You could say Carl is a leading food trend-setter. In my humble opinion, Carl has the most discerning eye on the west coast …