3 mins read

The Average Breast Size of a Woman

Breasts are significant features of the female anatomy. Girls may start to develop breasts as early as 8 years old, but breast development may not start until the early teens. Most women’s breasts are fully developed by the time they reach their early 20s, and breast size will remain fairly stable, though it may fluctuate due to overall weight gain or pregnancy. Breast size is unique to each woman and is generally dictated by genetics.

3 mins read

Acne Face Masks

Stress, shifting hormone levels, certain medications and even air travel can all cause acne flareups — whether you are 15 years old or 40 years old. Any one of those factors can leave you with a major case of acne. While long-term treatment with gentle cleanser and salicylic acid spot treatment works fine, an acne mask can help speed your breakout on its way a little faster.

3 mins read

Laser Acne Scar Removal

Acne is the most common of all skin conditions among Americans, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. There are a lot of myths surrounding what causes acne. While no one is sure of the exact cause, the AAD believes a combination of excess skin oil, clogged pours, inflammation and P. acnes bacteria is the source. Moderate to severe acne can result in unsightly changes in skin pigmentation and scars, which may be effectively treated with laser technology.

3 mins read

Recurring Cough in Children

It’s normal for children to cough once in a while, but a recurring cough can be alarming for both you and your child. Recurring coughs are defined as those that last for a long time or return again and again, according to DrPaul.com. Recurring coughs are a symptom, which means they have an underlying cause. The key to stopping the coughing is to find and treat the cause.

3 mins read

What Is the Cost of Breast Implants?

Gravity, that wonderful element that holds our feet firmly on this planet, gets kudos for keeping us from becoming part of the spinning space debris, but it often wreaks havoc on a woman’s figure. Over the years, breast tissue tends to sag and decrease in volume. Mothers may notice a decrease in breast volume after quitting breastfeeding. Many women decide to get their breasts enlarged through a surgical procedure known as breast augmentation. Like all cosmetic surgeries, breast augmentation carries a price tag that varies depending on geographical locations and other factors.