5 mins read

Four Ways to Avoid the Money Traps at the Supermarket

Dont Be a Supermarket Zombie Its 5:45 p.m. on a Friday. You are exhausted from the week and have just one more stop before home and the controlled chaos of movie night with your family. You simply need milk, paper towels, fancy cheese for your husband couldnt he be more specific just once and the specialty fish sticks for your finicky fourth grader. Easy right? Youll be in and …

6 mins read

Put Your Money To Work!

Seems like every time I turn around one survey after another is asking me about my income. Even my church seems to care how much money I make! I find it amusing that not once in the past 43 years have I ever been asked how much money I save. And at the end of the day isnt that a more relevant number? Its time to stop thinking only about the amount of …

11 mins read

May Astrology

Our galactic vessel has landed on the rocky shores of May 2013, and its strange territory indeed. Oh you may ask, what happened to those nice Druid Beltane and May Day festivals? This fracas of Saturn and Mars will start off the early days of this month with a clash of symbols, i.e. the impulsive son, whose restrictive and disciplinarian dad is taking him to task.