8 mins read

Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing

Meredith O’Brien, a longtime ModernMom contributor, explores the idea of blogging – and where to draw the line between sharing personal anecdotes and overharing in her new novel. Below is an adapted excerpt from Mortified: A Novel About Oversharing by Meredith OBrien (used with permission from Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc. 2013):

4 mins read

Pushing Motherhood: The Real and Raw Documentary

How old is too old to have a baby? Is there such a thing as being past our female prime in our progressive age of egg-freezing technology and scientific possibilities of surrogacy? Some say yes, some say no. The options for carrying and birthing a baby past the age of 35 teeters on controversial to some. Others don’t understand the controversy at all.